Monday, August 6, 2012


((Owe 3300...))

When I was younger, I was angry.  I never quite put my finger on one thing that changed that as I got older, probably was a combination of a few things.  Life got better, for one.  I grew up in privilege, which is often confused with happiness.  I was only happy when I was getting my way, and if I wasn't getting my way, I was slamming doors repeatedly or hunger striking until I got what I wanted.

The word "volunteer" sounded like "sucker" to me for the first 20 years of my life.  Why would anyone use their time and get nothing out of it?  I realized somewhere in my 20s that volunteering one's time is the most selfless thing a person can do, and that can be a great thing.  I also realized that volunteering isn't quite as selfless as I thought, because people do get things out of it--maybe not monetary, but the feeling of doing a good deed is sometimes worth much more.

"What do you do?" is a question often asked when meeting a new person.  We usually refer to jobs or school when asked this question, but why not add to the question?  "What do you do for others?" I'm 80 years old now, and I can tell you that all I think about nowadays is how can I make this Rock a better place for those who will continue on.  I don't like entitlement.  I don't want to give my money to my son and daughter.  Sure, it would make their lives "easier" but what does easy get you?  It gets you lazy.  I don't want to donate my money to my community.  I want people to work for it.


Ramble-blah.  I have a story idea, but so hard to start.  Don't know where to start, but for once I know where I want the story to go.  I've been reading Stephen King's "On Writing" and it is inspiring that his ideas came from as random a source as I think mine do.

((Still owe 3,000))

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