Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dialog: Bad Day At Work; 2 responses

"Hi honey, how was work?" she said as I entered the front door.

"Ugh! I don't want to talk about it."

"That bad?" she said.

"I had to cover gym class this morning, because the gym teacher didn't show up on time, which meant I didn't get my planning time.  I forgot that I had a visitor coming in to give a presentation, which cut my math class time in half, and I was prepping for a quiz tomorrow, so now I can't give the quiz until Monday."

"Well, that's not all that bad."

"What's good about it?" I asked.

"I'm not saying anything is good about it, I'm just saying other people have got things much worse."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better about my day?"

"Kind of, yes?"

"It's not working.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was all set to leave early for a change, but then the principal stuck his head in my room a minute before I was about to leave, and reminded me that my grades from last quarter were due yesterday, which is why I didn't get home until just now."

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby.  Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I just need to stew for a while."

"Oh, well in that case, I am going to go have a few drinks with Sasha.  Left overs are in the fridge, I shouldn't be out too late, but you know how Sasha can get."


"Hi honey, how was work?" she said as I entered the front door.

"Ugh! I don't want to talk about it."

She walks up to me and kisses me.

"Mmm, I'm going to make your favorite for dinner tonight. Why don't you take some time for yourself and dinner will be ready in an hour."

"You're amazing, how do you do that?" I asked, stunned.

"Do what?" she smiles.

"I was in a rotten mood just a foot outside this house, but as soon as I see you, you... you exorcise the anger out of me."

"If it makes you feel any worse, I had already picked up the fixings before I knew how shitty your day was."

"Hah! You're unbelievable."

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